
May 2022 - December 2024



Project coordinator






EU's Horizon Europe

Kay Plötner
Head of Economics & Transportation

+49 (0) 89-30 74-84925

The European Commission’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy focusses on a fully integrated and seamless multimodal mobility system. For long-distance, intra-European travel, this should be enabled by a high quality transport network with high-speed rail (HSR) services on short-haul distances and with clean aviation services improving the coverage of longer haul routes. A seamless passenger experience and interoperability between different transport providers will be enabled by integrating airports as multimodal nodes in the air traffic management (ATM) network.

The MultiModX project sets the foundation of a multimodal European transport system in which air and rail networks are planned and managed in a coordinated manner to maximise the efficiency, predictability, environmental sustainability and resilience of the door-to-door passenger journey.

A Schedule Design Solution will enable the coordinated design of air and rail schedules according to expected passenger demand behaviour. The Disruption Management Solution will support decision-makers response to disruption events (e.g., longer delays, missed connections, denied boarding, cancellations) in real time in order to minimise the impact on the passengers, profiting from the extension of the airport collaborative decision-making concept to other transport modes.

The MultiModX Performance Assessment Solution will support the design, implementation and evaluation of these multimodal solutions by enabling ex-ante assessment and ex-post monitoring of their impact on a comprehensive set of KPIs like overall travel time, accessibility or CO2 emissions. In order to nurture the conditions for the transfer of the MultiModX Solutions to the subsequent stages of the R&I, air and rail stakeholders are engaged for validation.

Contribution Bauhaus Luftfahrt

Bauhaus Luftfahrt is the coordinator and supports the partners in developing the three SESAR Solutions using Spain and Germany as examples, as well as between these two countries. Bauhaus Luftfahrt defines scenarios and use cases for the integration of these technologies with the goal of understanding the Europe-wide potential for reducing emissions and increasing efficiency in the transportation sector.


Project Funding

MultiModX has received funding from the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No. 101114815. The JU receives support from the European Union's Horizon Europe reserach and innovation programme and the SESAR 3 JU members other than the Union.

The project is funded by the research and innovation program Horizon Europe under GA n°101114815.